Tell us your name and a bit about yourself?
Hi, I’m Laura Magee and I’m a fashion buyer for a group of department stores, I’m in charge of all women’s fashion for the company and part buy men’s fashion alongside another buyer. It’s a pretty demanding job that involves a lot of travel, analysis and a good eye for trends, colours and customer profiling. It’s a very diverse role that is very
numerical oriented, which most people don’t realise. I spend about 50% of my time analysing previous sales figures, setting budgets with my director and planning options/range plans before I even go to a buying appointment.
Almost 2 years ago I moved back to Belfast after living and working in London, Brighton and Cardiff. I wanted to create a better quality of life for myself, and really focus more on work life balance.
My husband and I bought a Victorian semi in Belfast and have been renovating and
decorating as we go along, which spurred me on to create an Instagram account detailing our work and progress, and so ‘Deco Dwelling’ was born. I now spend my free time as an
instagram influencer (a term I am not massively fond of) and provide inspiration on my interiors and fashion choices, styling and tips I’ve learnt in my day job and also whilst
decorating my home. I try to be as honest as possible on my insta account, I would never work with a brand I don’t personally like myself, and I also give my followers an
abundance of advice via my DM’s. I always get messages asking my opinion on décor and fashion, and will always provide a lengthy reply, because in my eyes that was the reason I started insta, it was to provide inspiration, advice and maybe some knowledge I picked up whilst decorating my own home.
How important is self-care to you?
Self-care is so important to me. In the past I definitely haven’t practiced self care as much as I should have, but as I have got older (coming 35 in August), I realise the importance of looking after your body and more importantly your mind.
May is Mental Health Awareness month, What’s your best self-care tip?
For me, I think it’s important to give yourself a break.
Anyone that knows me, knows I am 100 miles an hour all the time. So my advice is, have a lazy day, sleep in, drink coffee in bed, and don’t get out of your pjs. Just take a step back from work, life and your mind, even for a day. We are so hard on ourselves all the time, again I am the worst culprit for this, so just give yourself a break and understand you are human and humans need to rest once in a while. Oh and scented candles and a glass of red…my kryptonite.
How are you coping with quarantine life and what habit or practice will you keep after lockdown ends?
Surprisingly, I am coping ok. The first 2 weeks I was pretty anxious and had constant worry for my family, their health and also the economy; whether I would have a job at the end of this, really my mind was working overtime. But after I took a step back and stopped to realise what I already have and what is important in life, it actually made me less anxious. I overthink everything, so I gave myself a routine to keep busy and keep my mind active (in a good way).
I have set up a blog, which I absolutely love writing and editing for!
It’s given me a sense of purpose and I’m having lots of fun with it! This is definitely something I will be keeping up after quarantine ends and I’m so grateful I got the chance to set my blog up whilst being put on furlough. This has definitely been a positive thing that has come out of my current employment situation.
What is your favourite Halcyon Naturals scent? and how have you incorporated this into your space/home?
I adore the Release Signature candle. It’s honestly one of the best candles that I have smelt in a long time, plus it’s not harmful to the environment, which is a bonus. I love a dark and moody scent and this scent encompasses that perfectly!

Buy this product
Release Signature Candle
What do you feel most grateful for?
My health, my home and my family and friends.
What’s the best life lesson you’ve learnt?
Turn failure into success!
Favourite book?
The lion the witch and the wardrobe. Not massively into books unless they are factual.
Who are you listening to at the moment?
I have eclectic taste…Fleetwood Mac, Electric Youth, Churches, Wolf Alice, Faithless, Taylor Swift (guilty pleasure)
Which food dish is the quickest way to your heart?
I love food!But my favourite meal is breakfast, even though I only have breakfast at weekends (I know its strange, but I have always been like this, so it feels like a treat on a Saturday morning when I have it), so eggs benedict with a mimosa!
Favourite quote?
Forrest Gump: My momma always said, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”…laughing that I’ve given you this, but it’s so true, you don’t know the cards you are going to get dealt in life, so you just have to roll with them!
How can our readers keep in touch with you?
Instagram @Deco.dwelling
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