Astrology is an important part of history, as well as our daily lives. Astrology can also predict future events to some degree. It influences our moods, the moods of others, and the reactions that we have to everyday occurrences.
The importance of astrology was well known to people of ancient history. Maps of the stars and evidences of the use of astrology in daily life have been found in pre-historic cave drawings, ancient manuscripts, and Egyptian pyramids. The most recent, and possibly the most astounding, discovery about astrology in history involves the birth of Christ according to the Christian bible!
The importance of astrology is still well known to many cultures. The people of India and China put great stock in astrology even today. They practice the art of astrology in their daily lives, and base major decisions on the science.
In the Western world, astrology has become more of a form of entertainment. Horoscopes based on sun signs are published in every major newspaper and magazine across the world.
But many people do not understand that astrology in its truest form is actually of the utmost importance. Astrology is quite simply the study of the planets and stars and their influence on our lives. These influences are quite real.
In short, the importance of astrology lies in the direct influence that the moon, sun, and stars play in our lives. Our lives are affected by many people and events. These people and events are influenced by astrology as much as you are.
Have you ever noticed that around the time of the new moon you have difficulty making decisions? The phases of the moon actually affect our minds and emotions much more than many people realize. This is only a small part of the importance of astrology.
Perhaps you have noticed that your moods change drastically during stretches of time that seem to have no pattern at all. A study of the planetary movements or alignments during those times might reveal that a pattern actually does exist. The position of the planets in your astrological chart at any given time can be viewed in relation to their position in your birth chart. These comparisons can show reasons for changes in mood and daily reactions to events.
With our new collection Illustrious Elements, we have combined the magic of aromachology and study of Astrology to bring you mood boosting spiritual blends to help you navigate the starry transits and celebrate the qualities of each zodiac sign and the (you guessed it), Illustrious Elements.
When you understand how astrology affects others and yourself, you can begin to use the knowledge of those influences to your benefit. When your astrological chart shows that your emotions will be unsteady for a few days, you can put off major decisions until that time has passed. In reality, the importance of astrology is really the importance of your life.
Our aromachology scents are tailored to help boost your mood in lots of different ways. Our Moon scent is great for helping you in your manifestation and meditation practices, whilst our Earth element scent uses essential oils with spiritual and therapeutic significance in order to help keep you grounded when needed.
Whilst we appreciate, astrology isn’t for everyone, we can all appreciate the benefits of Earth, Air, Fire and Water as well as the power of essential oils. Anyone can indulge in this collection regardless of your belief system! With this in mind, you can keep up to date with current transits on our sister Instagram page if this topic is of interest to you. if not, our products definitely make great gifts and compliment our main moods collection nicely.
Each scent of course is always available as a candle or diffuser and as always is made with vegan friendly ingredients and only pure essential oils.